Starszaki styczen 2025
Na naszych zajęciach pojawią się postacie z bajek: a castle, a crown, a queen, a fairy, a king, a knight, a witch, a princess. Powtórzymy sobie (póki jeszcze zimno i mamy to na sobie) nazwy zimowych ubranek: a hat, a scarf, boots, a coat, mittens, a jacket, socks, winter suit, sweater, a vest, earmuffs.
W jakiej formie? Zabawy oczywiście! Będziemy robić pranie ( wierszyk poniżej), śpiewać o wyjściu na spacer oraz …przebierać się!
Wszystko w ruchu i radośnie!
Castle Song
This is the king and this is his throne. Where does he live? In a castle!
This is the queen and this is her crown. Where does she live? In a castle!
This is the prince and this is his cloak. Where does he live? In a castle!
It's Cold, It's Cold
It’s cold, it’s cold, It’s very, very cold!
Let’s go outside, And play for a while!
Put on your coat, Put on your hat.
Put your scarf, And put on your smile!
(sound of wind blowing)
It’s hot, it’s hot, It’s very, very hot!
Let’s go outside, And play for a while!
Put on your your t-shirt, Put on your shorts.
Put on your glasses, And put on your smile!
(sound of crickets)
It’s raining, it’s pouring,
It’s raining cats and dogs!
Let’s go outside. And play for a while!
Put on your wellies, Put on your raincoat.
Put up your umbrella, And put on your smile!
(sound of splashing in puddles)