programy maluszki

Maluszki październik 2024

Będziemy się duuużo ruszać, program energetyczny – bo czy nie chodzi o to, żeby było wesoło, ciekawie i samo wchodziło do głowy?

Uczymy się czasowników: to open/close, to walk, to run, to skip, to sit down/stand up, to tiptoe, to sleep, to jump, to swim, to fly.

Tematem pobocznym będą pojazdy: a car, a bike, a train, a bus, a plane. Aby się ich nauczyć wykorzystamy karty obrazkowe oraz piosenkę “Driving In My Car”.

Driving in My Car

Driving in my car. Vroom vroom vroom. Driving in my car. Vroom vroom vroom. Driving very fast. Vroom vroom vroom. Driving very slow. Vroom vroom vroom. I like driving. Driving in my car.

Riding on my bike. Pedal pedal pedal. Riding on my bike. Pedal pedal pedal. Riding very fast Pedal pedal pedal. Riding very slow Pedal pedal pedal.

I like riding, Riding on my bike

Rowing in my boat, Splash splash splash, Rowing in my boat, Splash splash splash, Rowing very fast Splash splash splash, Rowing very slow. Splash splash splash.

I like rowing. Rowing in my boat.

Riding on my train. Choo, choo, choo. Riding on my train. Choo, choo, choo. Riding very fast. Choo, choo, choo. Riding very slow. Choo, choo, choo.

I like riding. Riding on my train.

Flying in my airplane. Whoosh whoosh. Flying in my airplane. Whoosh whoosh. Flying very high. Whoosh whoosh. Flying very low. Whoosh whoosh.

I like flying. Flying in my airplane.

Walk Around the Circle

Walk around the circle. Walk around the circle. Walking walking.
We all fall down.

Gallop around the circle. Gallop around the circle. Galloping galloping.
We all fall down.

Shh… Let’s tiptoe. Tiptoe around the circle. Tiptoe around the circle. Tiptoe tiptoe.
We all fall down.

I’m so sleepy!
Sleepy sleepy sleepy. I’m so sleepy.
Wake up, everybody!

Come on, we’re going to hop! Hop around the circle.
Hop around the circle. Hopping hopping.

We all fall down.

Let’s twirl!
Twirl around the circle. Twirl around the circle. Twirling twirling.
We all fall down.

Let’s hop AND twirl! Hop around the circle. Twirl around the circle. Hopping, twirling.
We all fall down.