Starszaki luty 2024

programy starszaki

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Starszaki szybciutko powtórzą nazwy dzikich zwierząt i bedą pracować nad zdaniami: a lion roars, a giraffe walks tall, a snake hisses…

Będą też wyznania miłości (“I love you”) i walentynkowa piosenka. Słownictwo utrwalimy w piosence “Walking in the jungle”




Let’s take a walk in the jungle.
Walking in the jungle. Walking in the jungle.
We’re not afraid. We’re not afraid.
Walking in the jungle. Walking in the jungle. We’re not afraid. We’re not afraid.
One step. Two steps. Three steps forward.
One step. Two steps. Three steps back.
Stop. Listen. What’s that?
It’s a frog!
We’re not afraid!

Let’s stomp.
Stomping in the jungle. Stomping in the jungle. We’re not afraid. We’re not afraid.
Stomping in the jungle. Stomping in the jungle. We’re not afraid. We’re not afraid.
One step. Two steps. Three steps forward.
One step. Two steps. Three steps back.
Stop. Listen. What’s that?
It’s a monkey!
We’re not afraid!

Let’s jump.
Jumping in the jungle. Jumping in the jungle. We’re not afraid. We’re not afraid.
Jumping in the jungle. Jumping in the jungle. We’re not afraid. We’re not afraid.
One step. Two steps. Three steps forward.
One step. Two steps. Three steps back.
Stop. Listen. What’s that?
It’s a toucan!
We’re not afraid!

Let’s skip.
Skipping in the jungle. Skipping in the jungle. We’re not afraid. We’re not afraid.
Skipping in the jungle. Skipping in the jungle. We’re not afraid. We’re not afraid.
One step. Two steps. Three steps forward.
One step. Two steps. Three steps back.
Stop. Listen. What’s that?
It’s a tiger!

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